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A simple and practical approach that allows us to take a critical and constructive look at the elements of your operations and governance and find practical solutions for improvement.

Assessment tools and diagnostic sessions that contribute to continuous improvement.

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  • Instaurer un système de réunions efficaces
    Cette formation à impact élevé permet aux gestionnaires-leaders de vivre des expériences d’apprentissage mobilisatrices, humaines et engageantes permettant de bien comprendre ce qu’on s’attend d’eux.elles en termes de réunions efficaces et productives. Fondée sur des concepts éprouvés, cette journée de formation vous offre à la fois un tableau de réunions efficaces et des occasions de les adapter et de les pratiquer afin qu’elles vous servent bien et pour, ultimement, être la cure des réunionites aiguës ! Tous les détails ici: Déroulement en 4 modules d'apprentissage Principes clés Les types de réunions Autoévaluation Simulation des réunions Utile dans les situations suivantes Lorsqu’il y a un taux élevé de réunions improductives Lorsqu’il manque de clarté sur les objectifs de réunion Lorsque les réunions sont d’une durée excessive Lorsque la participation est faible ou inégale des membres Lorsqu’il y a absence de suivi ou d'actions concrètes Lorsqu’il y a des conflits fréquents ou un manque de consensus Suite à la formation, les participant.e.s pourront Se préparer plus adéquatement aux réunions Mieux gérer leur emploi du temps Participer activement et de manière constructive S’engager pleinement durant les rencontres Assurer des suivis de manière plus spécifique et responsable Comprendre leur rôle et leur participation au sein des réunions Prérequis : Aucun L'impact sur l'organisation, sur l'équipe ou sur le secteur Augmentation de la productivité globale Amélioration de la prise de décision Renforcement de la collaboration et du travail d'équipe Réduction des coûts liés aux réunions inefficaces Toutes nos formations sont offertes en trois formats : Une pleine journée (Formation complète avec plan d'action et activités interactives) Une demi-journée (Micro formation sans plan d'action et avec peu d'activités interactives) 90 à 120 minutes (Formation éclair, style conférence sans plan d'action et sans activité interactive)
  • Diagnostic Session - Organizational Health: Better Understand The State of The Culture of Collaboration
    Accompanied by our team of experts in human resources, governance, and organizational dynamics, this workshop, including one coaching session, enables general management or the management team to report on organizational health and reflect on the priorities to be established in order to quickly achieve a better culture of collaboration within the organization. The combination of practical tools, proven templates and the coaching approach of our expert consultants allows the management team to move forward with the improvement targets of the human aspect within organization. Details here: Process in practical steps Preparatory meeting with the general management Half-day session with the management team (3.5h) Coaching session with management or the management team on the follow-up and recommendations document Deliverables and templates Half-day animation with the management team Follow-up document and recommendations Useful in the following situations When you want to introduce a new approach to the organizational climate When you see poor results in the work climate survey When a new management team is in place When you want to improve the human aspect within the organization When you want to provide an action plan to continue improving the internal climate Winning conditions A staff climate and satisfaction survey was conducted The management team wants to improve team collaboration There is already a climate of collaboration within the management team Impacts on the organization or the sector An improved culture of collaboration Less stress in the workplace Greater clarity on the value of collaboration An increased sense of belonging within the organization Greater management of the human aspect, by the management team Continuous improvement of staff satisfaction results and internal climate
  • Diagnostic Session - Operational and Strategic Capacity: Better Understand Growth Capacity and Operational Risks
    Accompanied by our team of experts in governance, management, and organizational dynamics, this workshop, including one coaching session, allows senior management or the management team to report on the operational capacities of the organization and reflect on the priorities to be established to achieve greater operational robustness within the organization quickly. The combination of practical tools, proven templates and the coaching approach of our expert advisors allows the management team to move forward with the business aspect improvement targets within the organization. Details here: Process in practical steps Preparatory meeting with the general management A half-day session with the management team (3.5h) Coaching session with management or the management team on the follow-up and recommendations document Deliverables Half-day animation with the management team Coaching session with the general management or the management team Follow-up document and recommendations Useful in the following situations When you want to explore growth opportunities When you need to review the organization chart or do an organizational HR analysis When we want to identify our operational deficiencies When we want to improve our operational results When you want to provide an operations optimization plan When doing risk management Winning conditions A statement of current organizational results has been prepared by the management The management team wants to optimize the functioning of the organization Operational standards are established Impacts on the organization or the sector A culture of continuous operational improvement is established Systematically meet operational standards (Operational performance target KPi) More efficient operations A sense of ownership for the effective functioning of the organization Operational targets measured and systematically achieved Internal functioning in continuous improvement
  • Diagnostic Session - Organizational Performance: Better Understand the State of the Culture of Continuous Improvement
    Accompanied by our team of experts in governance, management, and organizational dynamics, this workshop, including 1 coaching session, allows senior management or the management team to report on performance organization and reflect on the priorities to be established in order to create and maintain a culture of continuous improvement within the organization. The combination of practical tools, proven templates and the coaching approach of our expert consultants allows the management team to focus on improvement targets in relation to the business aspect within the organization. Details here: Process in practical steps Preparatory meeting with the general management Half-day session with the management team (3.5h) Coaching session with management or the management team on the follow-up and recommendations document Deliverables and templates Half-day animation with the management team Follow-up document and recommendations Useful in the following situations When you want to introduce a new approach to achieving business results When we see poor performance results in relation to our programs and services When a new management team is in place When you want to improve the business side of the organization When you want to adopt an action plan to continue to improve the performance of the organization Winning conditions A statement of current results (customer satisfaction, the profitability of initiatives, the participation rate in activities, etc.) was prepared by management. The management team has the desire to improve the performance of the organization There is a concern about investing time and energy in the culture of improvement, within the management team. Target customers Management team Impacts on the organization or the sector An enhanced culture of continuous improvement Increased performance against operational standards (turnover rate, absenteeism, the participation rate in activities, finances, funding, etc.) Greater clarity on the objectives and targets to be achieved A greater sense of ownership of the achievement of targeted results, within the organization Greater support for the business aspect, by the management team Continuous improvement of operational and strategic results
  • Diagnostic Session - Synergic Governance: Better Understand the State of the Culture of Accountability and the Impact of the Board
    Accompanied by our team of experts in governance, management, and organizational dynamics, this workshop, including 1 coaching session, allows managers or the executive committee to report on the performance of the Board and reflect on the priorities to be established in order to quickly achieve a better culture of accountability within the organization. The combination of practical tools, proven templates and the coaching approach of our expert consultants allows the management team and leaders to move forward with the improvement targets of the fiduciary aspect, the functioning of the Board of directors and its compliance. Details here: Process in practical steps Preparatory meeting with the general management and/or the presidency A half-day session with the management team (3.5h) Coaching session with management and/or the presidency or the executive committee on the follow-up and recommendations document Deliverables and templates Half-day animation with the management team Follow-up document and recommendations Useful in the following situations When reviewing the governance model of the organization When preparing to recruit new directors When there is dysfunction within the Board of directors When you are the subject of poor Board performance evaluation When there is a high turnover rate on the Board of directors When you are about to redo your strategic planning Winning conditions An evaluation of the performance of the Board has been carried out The Board of Directors wishes to improve the operation and work of the Board Target customers: Leaders Executive Committee (if present) Impacts on the organization or the sector A functioning Board of directors that is engaging for volunteers An improved culture of accountability within the organization Consulting is a model of continuous improvement Better synergy between the Board and general management Greater management accountability Less interference from the Board given its greater focus on governance
  • 5 Disciplines of Synergistic Governance: A Board that Makes all the Difference
    This high-impact training allows directors and officers of the Board of directors to experience mobilizing, human, and engaging learning experiences allowing them to fully understand how they can maximize their impact on the organization. Based on proven concepts (Organizational Dynamics, The Imperfect Board Member), this training helps you create synergy between senior management and the Board of directors to positively impact the organization and make a difference in your community stakeholders. Details here: Useful in the following situations When there is a lack of cohesion within the Board team When meetings drag on or get scattered When the Board interferes in the operations of the organization When senior management appears to be conducting Board business When there seems to be a disengagement of the members of the Board When things are going well, and you want to improve the governance model Following the training, participants will be able to Understand the fiduciary responsibilities of everyone around the Board table To fully assume their role as an officer or director Understand the limits and synergy between the Board of directors and senior management Understand and fully appreciate the distinct roles of the Board and employees Recognize the strengths and challenges of your Board Establish courses of action to improve the work of the Board of directors Development in practical modules Introduction to Organizational Dynamics What is governance? The 5 disciplines of synergistic governance Cultivate team cohesion Ensuring organizational clarity Increase the efficiency and collective competence of the Board Practice Diligence and Vigilance Consult, communicate and network with stakeholders      4. Pitfalls, risks, tips and impacts Prerequisites: Administrators, Managers The impact on the organization, the team or the sector A culture of accountability is taking hold A synergy is established between management and the Board The Board is more engaged in the work of the Board Team cohesion is felt within the Board The Board becomes a model of continuous improvement and practice of values Management monitoring is taking place as well as better accountability All our training courses are offered in three formats: A full day (Complete training with an action plan and interactive activities) Half a day (Micro training without an action plan and with few interactive activities) 90 to 120 minutes (Conference style blitz training without action plan and without interactive activities)
  • The Basics of NPO-NPO Governance: For a Well-Informed Board of Directors
    This high-impact training allows directors and managers to live mobilizing, human, relevant, and engaging learning experiences enabling them to fully understand the organizational environment in which the Board of directors evolves. Based on proven concepts (The 5 Disciplines of Synergistic Governance), this training helps you create a higher level of commitment among people around the Board table and thus give them a chance to exercise their leadership by practicing good governance. Details here: Development in practical modules What is an NPO - NPO? What is governance? The impact of governance on organizational dynamics The four legal obligations The five main management tools in governance NPO governance terminology (who, what, how, when) Due Diligence Governance models Useful in the following situations When people around the table have basic knowledge When we have new people joining the table When we want to offer training to new administrators or officers When we begin a redesign of the governance structure When we want to revise the statutes and rules of the organization When we create a new organization Following the training, participants will be able to Be more participatory on the Board Better understand how a Board of directors works Ask the right questions about the roles of directors or officers Better meet the demands of their role Contribute more actively to the work of Board committees Prepare better for Board meetings Prerequisites: None The impact on the organization, the team or the sector Greater director engagement Better support for governance by the Board Greater compliance with the requirements of an NPO-NPO A better dynamic between the general management and the Board of directors Better management oversight Greater clarity on expectations for those around the governance table All our training courses are offered in three formats: A full day (Complete training with an action plan and interactive activities) Half a day (Micro training without an action plan and with few interactive activities) 90 to 120 minutes (Conference style blitz training without an action plan or interactive activities)
  • Operationalizing Governance: Establish an Effective and Efficient Board of Directors
    This high-impact training allows directors and officers to live mobilizing, human, relevant, and engaging learning experiences allowing them to adopt best practices in governance. Based on proven concepts (Synergic Governance â„¢ ), this training optimizes the functioning and performance of the Board of Directors to actively contribute to the culture of accountability and collaboration between the Board and the organization. Details here: Useful in the following situations When meetings drag on and are no longer - or very little - effective When there is disagreement over the approach to be taken for the functioning of the Board of directors When creating a governance, operations and compliance committee When there are several new people around a boardroom table When preparing a revision of the constituent documents (Status and regulations) When planning a restructuring of the governance model Development in practical modules An overview of the basic principles of governance The effective governance model The 100 works of the Board of Directors Board Committees The Balanced Governance Calendar The Perpetual Agenda Governance tools for efficient operation The role of each in the functioning of the Board The limits of governance and management Following the training, participants will be able to A better understanding of the roles and responsibilities of each concerning the operation Actively contribute to the effectiveness and efficiency of the activities of the Board of Directors Prepare better for Board and committee meetings Actively contribute to the work of the committees of the Board of Directors. Prerequisites: Basic training in NPO-NPO governance (an asset), Hold a position on a Board The impact on the organization, the team or the sector More effective meetings Better functioning of committees Greater compliance with due diligence requirements Greater engagement of people around the boardroom table Shorter and less arduous meetings Greater accountability between directors and officers All our training courses are offered in three formats: A full day (Complete training with an action plan and interactive activities) Half a day (Micro training without an action plan and with few interactive activities) 90 to 120 minutes (Conference style blitz training without an action plan or interactive activities)
  • Financial Literacy in NPO-NPO Governance: A Competent Board and a Financially Successful Organization
    This high-impact training allows the treasurer, directors, and officers as well as the finance and audit committee, to live mobilizing learning experiences, human, relevant, and engaging to better understand the main financial concepts, as well as its controls, within an NPO-NPO. Based on proven concepts (CPA Accounting Principles, Synergistic Governance ™), this training helps you exercise greater diligence and financial monitoring within an NPO-NPO and ensure its financial success. Details here: Useful in the following situations When we start a new fiscal year When we establish a finance, audit and verification committee When directors and officers want to be more participatory in financial oversight When the organization is in financial difficulty When the organization is growing rapidly When financial responsibilities and the fiscal year are less well understood Following the training, participants will be able Better understanding of the financial statements of the organization Being more participatory in financial supervision Ask relevant questions related to financial reports Participate more easily in the finance committee Be more comfortable overcoming financial difficulties Differentiate funding strategy from financial management Pre-requisites: "Basics of governance" training (an asset), Occupy a position on a Board The impact on the organization, the team or the sector Responsible oversight of the organization’s finances Practiced and demonstrable diligence An increased and shared sense of responsibility on the Board Proper transparency of public finances All our training courses are offered in three formats: A full day (Complete training with an action plan and interactive activities) Half a day (Micro training without an action plan and with few interactive activities) 90 to 120 minutes (Conference style blitz training without an action plan or interactive activities)
  • What Law Tells Us About NPO Governance in Canada: A Compliant and Responsible Board
    This high-impact training allows directors and officers to live mobilizing, human, relevant, and engaging learning experiences to understand the legislative framework in which the NPO-NPO operates. Based on proven concepts (Synergic Governance â„¢) and developed by professionals in law and governance, this training helps you ensure good conduct of the organization and create a culture of accountability within the organization that relies on sound oversight and due process compliance. Details here: Useful in the following situations When a governance, compliance and operations committee is set up When the Board of Directors (BoD) wishes to develop a compliance table When a new governance model is adopted When we want to review governance policies When we want to increase the capacities of directors and managers Following the training, participants will be able to Better understanding of the importance of compliance monitoring Better understand their role in governance concerning the obligations of the law on NPOs-NPOs Better respect the boundaries of governance and management Actively participate in the work of Board committees Better understanding of the risks associated with a lack of compliance Increase the level of diligence of the Board and its committees Prerequisites: Leaders, Directors, Basic training in NPO-NPO governance (an asset) The impact on the organization, the team or the sector Greater demonstrable compliance with legal requirements A more active Board in compliance oversight Greater accountability of the people around the Board table Better compliance with governance and management boundaries All our training courses are offered in three formats: A full day (Complete training with an action plan and interactive activities) Half a day (Micro training without an action plan and with few interactive activities) 90 to 120 minutes (Conference style blitz training without an action plan or interactive activities)
  • The Roles And Responsibilities of a Board of Directors, Its Officers, And Directors: Understanding Who Must Do What to Meet Their Collective And Individual Responsibilities
    This high-impact training allows directors and officers to live mobilizing, human, relevant, and engaging learning experiences that enable them to fully understand each person's role so that they can act accordingly to meet their collective and individual responsibilities. Based on proven concepts (Synergic Governance â„¢ ), this training allows each director and officer to take responsibility for the effective and efficient performance of the work of the Board of directors. Details here: Useful in the following situations When there are several new people around the boardroom table When the directors and officers come from several and different sectors or organizations When there is disagreement over the approach or operation of the Board of directors When there is dysfunction within the Board of directors team When we want to overhaul or restructure our governance model When creating a new organization with a new Board Following the training, participants will be able to Assume their responsibility with a higher level of responsibility Understanding the role of everyone around the table Be more diligent about their participation and preparation Get more involved in Board committees Better oversee the work of the Board in its responsibilities Focus more on Board work rather than operations and management Prerequisites: Basic training in NPO-NPO governance (an asset), Holding a position on a Board, Being a candidate or nominated for a position Directors, Directors, Managers, Being curious about the roles and responsibilities within a Board, Occupying a general management role within an NPO-NPO The impact on the organization, the team or the sector A more active and diligent governance Greater compliance with government, legislative and regulatory requirements Greater respect for the boundaries between management and governance Improved individual engagement of people around the boardroom table All our training courses are offered in three formats: A full day (Complete training with an action plan and interactive activities) Half a day (Micro training without an action plan and with few interactive activities) 90 to 120 minutes (Conference style blitz training without an action plan or interactive activities)

Let's talk about your needs!

Alain Vachon, GPC.d

Trainer, Speaker, and Consultant

The person to contact for:

  • Training

  • Governance support

  • Management coaching

  • An engaging conference

  • A strategic reflection

  • A diagnosis

Micheline Boisvert Vachon

Trainer, Speaker and Consultant

The person to contact for:

  • Training

  • Coaching

  • Mediation

  • An engaging conference

  • Support for a difficult conversation

Julie Léger, GPC.d

Governance Advisor and Trainer

The person to contact for:

  • Training

  • Governance support

  • A strategic reflection

  • Governance coaching

  • An assessment or diagnosis

Pierre Bourbeau, CHRP

Consultant and Trainer

The person to contact for:

  • Training

  • HR support

  • Governance support

  • Management coaching

  • A strategic reflection

  • Assessment or diagnosis

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