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Operationalizing Your Governance

establish an effective and efficient mode of operation

This high-impact training allows directors and officers to experience motivating, human, relevant and engaging learning experiences that allow them to adopt best practices in governance. Based on proven concepts (Synergistic Governanceâ„¢), this training optimizes the functioning and performance of the Board of directors in order to actively contribute to the culture of accountability and collaboration of the board and the organization.


  1. An overview of the basic principles of governance
  2. The effective governance model
  3. The 100 works of the board of directors
  4. Council Committees
  5. The balanced governance calendar
  6. The perpetual agenda
  7. Governance tools for efficient operation
  8. The role of each person in the functioning of the council
  9. The limits of governance and management
Operationalizing Your Governance
Operationalizing Your Governance

Useful in the Following Situations:

  1. When meetings drag on and are no longer - or only minimally - effective
  2. When there is discord over the approach to be taken for the functioning of the board of directors
  3. When creating a governance, operating and compliance committee
  4. When there are several new people around a board table
  5. When preparing a revision of the constitutive documents (Statutes and regulations)
  6. When preparing a restructuring of the governance model

Impact on the Organization:

  1. Greater meeting efficiency
  2.  Better functioning of committees
  3.  Greater compliance with due diligence requirements
  4.  Greater engagement of people around the board table
  5.  Less long and arduous meetings
  6.  Greater accountability among administrators and managers

Following the Training, Participants Will be Able to:

  1. Mieux comprendre les rôles et responsabilités de chacun.e en lien avec le fonctionnement
  2. Contribuer activement à l’efficacité et l’efficience des activités du conseil d’administration
  3. Mieux se préparer pour les réunions du CA et des comités
  4. Contriber activement aux travaux des comités du conseil d’administration
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